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Two hours or so before the session try to keep your baby awake and then give them a warm bath. Please loosen your baby’s diaper at least 30 minutes before the session. This gives those little imprint marks time to disappear. Dress your baby in something easy to remove before you arrive, such as a zipper sleeper or snap-up sleeper, (nothing that must be removed over their head)

A well-fed baby is a happy baby! The session will go much quicker if your baby arrives asleep or sleepy. Feed baby when arriving to help avoid a lot of disruption. I’ll also be more than happy to take breaks as needed to help top off the baby. Baby may need a top-off upon arrival, to ensure maximum sleepiness. If bottle-feeding, please bring extra bottles of milk.

Risse Portraits Newborn Photography Guide


I cannot wait to work with you and your beautiful new baby!

Following the guidelines listed below  with help the session to go smooth. Newborn sessions are done for babies

up to 14 days old.


Please do whatever you can to keep the noise level to a minimum during our session. If you have older children and would like them to be included in some photos, I would recommend bring them in at the beginning or end of a session and then having someone take them. If possible, only those being photographed should be present to help maintain a calm environment.

newborn pricing shoot.PNG

Prior to your arrival



Newborn sessions can last awhile. It all depends on baby’s mood and willingness to sleep. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that we can predict. I ask that everyone remain calm, should the baby not want to sleep, since your baby will pick up any frustration in the room. And if sleep doesn’t happen, that is okay! Some of the positions will just not be possible. 


I have a collection of bowls, baskets, blankets, some hats, and headbands. You are also welcome to bring any props or items you have as well. I typically do a lot of wraps to start with because they are a smooth transition and do not seem to upset the baby as much. I recommend maybe 1-2 outfits in the end of the session just because they can get upset trying to fit their little legs or arms into something and at least that will be in the end of the session just in case they decide they do not want to wear the outfit. If you have something in mind you plan on bringing, please inform me and send any photos you have.

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